Rogans Shoes

Kids Winter Boots Fit Recommendations

Cold weather or snow means its time to buy winter boots for your child. This can be a daunting task. How do I make sure the boots fit correct? Will they fit the entire season? These are all questions that parents ask themselves, and we have the answers at Rogan's Shoes. Whether you are looking for girls winter boots, boys winter boots or baby toddler winter boots, we can help you select boots that will fit the entire season and keep you child's feet warm. It is very important that the boots fit correctly for comfort, wear and warmth. We talked to a number of our most experienced sales associates and managers to get their suggestions about the process of fitting winter boots for boys and girls. Here are a couple of their recommendations. The best way I know how to fit a kids winter boot is to take the liner out of the boot and see where the child's toe is inside the liner. Leaving a thumbnail length at the end of the liner seems to be the best fit for kids. If a customer is ordering boots online without trying them on, then one size bigger than their regular every day shoes is usually the correct fit.

Gordy - 22 years experience

First off, I measure their feet. Whatever they measure at, I would go at least a size bigger.  This will give them extra room for thicker socks and some wiggle room for their toes. Next, if possible I remove the liner from the boot, and check the fit like that. You'll be able to better determine the placement of the foot and also the toe room. After that, I put the liner back in the boot, put it on the kid's foot, have them walk and make sure there is not too much slipping in the back heel of the boot (there will be some slipping in the back of all winter boots but not too much). You don't want boots to fall off while running through thick heavy snow.

Mike - 22 years experience

Kids boots don't necessarily fit to size. The best way to tell if there is enough room is to pull the liner out and try it on the child's foot. Also, make sure to allow room for a thicker sock.  A nice, thick, looser fitting sock is preferred instead of wearing multiple pairs of tighter fitting socks. Because maintaining proper circulation is also key to warm feet, I usually try to have about an inch from the end of the toe to the end of the liner. Put the liner back in the boot and try it on. Make sure it is not too floppy when the child tries to walk.  If the boot seems to move around a lot, try a size smaller or a different style may just fit better in the bigger size. Because boots generally come only in full sizes, it is better to be a bit big than a bit small.  Also, remember that if boots are not waterproof, you will need to keep them well sprayed with a waterproof protector. Wet feet are cold feet.

Lynn - 30 years experience

Now lets see what they are talking about in action. See the images and descriptions below.

Winter Boot with Liner

Pulling out the liner of the boot.  

Fitting Kids Winter Boots - remove liner to fit the liner if equipped

Thumbnail width. 

Fitting Kids Winter Boots - Check the liner, not the boot

Walk test. Walk around the store to test fit.

Fitting Kids Winter Boots - Walk around store test

Winter Boot without Liner

Thumbnail Width. Walk around to test the fit.

Fitting Kids Winter Boots - Checking the thumbnail width guideline

Fitting kids winter boots is not that difficult if you know the basics. Make sure there is a distance of a thumbnail from the end of the toe to the end of the liner, or the end of the boot in boots without liners. If not, your kids may outgrow their boots during the season (kids feet grow in spurts), or the boots may cause cold feet due to lack of room for air to circulate.  Make sure the boots are tried on with the proper weight sock. And remember to ask questions of the sales associate. Are the boots waterproof? Are the boots water resistant? How much insulation is in the boot? Are the boots rated for cold weather? These are all great questions to ask. If you have any questions please feel free to call our toll free number 1-800-976-4267 or email us at

Thank you and have fun in the snow and cold weather!